Upgrading from a Local License

PROKON version 3.0 introduced License Manager, a new licensing system, as an option. Since PROKON version 3.1, License Manager is the only available license system.

License Manager uses Internet technology to automatically manage your license. It greatly simplifies the sharing of a license between multiple users and license access from multiple locations. It eliminates many of the challenges associated with local licenses, such as restrictive network privileges, manual activation and deactivation, and accidentally loss of workstations.

If you are using a local license (the "old way" of licensing), then License Manager will prompt you to upgrade your license.

Note: You do not need to upgrade to License Manager immediately. However, it will eventually be the only available method for using a PROKON license. Given the benefits of using License Manager, you would want to upgrade soon in any case.

License upgrade topics

The role of the account administrator

Your account must have an administrator in order to use License Manager. The account administrator is a person that is designated to administer an account, its licenses and its users. The account administrator registers other users so that they can use PROKON.

Typical scenarios:

If an account administrator does not yet exist for your account, then such a user needs to be registered first before you can upgrade your license to License Manager. Follow the on-screen prompts to register an account administrator.

License upgrade steps

Note: If you local license resides on a network server and is shared between multiple users, then the account administrator should upgrade the license and coordinate the process with all users.

To upgrade a local license to License Manager:

Step 1: Register an account administrator

Your account must have an administrator in order to use License Manager and upgrade your license. If you are a contact in the Prokon client database, then you can self-register by submitting your account number together with your name and email address. If you are not a listed account contact, then please contact Prokon with your request to be registered.

Once registered as the account administrator, you will receive an email with your passcode and further instructions.

Step 2: Add users:

This preparatory step is performed by the account administrator:

This step does not upgrade your license yet. Your current local license will continue to function untouched until such time that you complete the next step.

Tip: If you have many users to add, consider creating a list of names and email addresses in Excel® that you can copy and paste into License Manager.

Step 3: Complete the upgrade

Depending on the installation, the upgrade step is performed by the account administrator or the individual users:

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