
You can manage your profile and account settings.

User profile settings

Change you passcode

If you have trouble remembering your passcode, you can change it to something else.

Tip: Do not use a sequence of numbers that is easy to guess, e.g. 12345.

Persistent sessions

By default, License Manager will automatically log you in and activate your license every time you use PROKON. If you work on a computer that is shared with other users, then you can disable persistent sessions. In this case, you will need to log in every time that you run PROKON.

Logging out

Under normal circumstances, you would prefer to remain logged in to License Manager. Log out if you will not be using PROKON on a particular computer again, e.g. the computer is being decommissioned or allocated to someone else. To log out, go to the settings tab or click your email address in the status bar.

If you are merely ending a PROKON session then there is no need to log out; simply close all PROKON programs.

Switch account

Where companies have licenses at multiple departments or branches , account administrators can use a single login to manage all licenses and their users. An administrator can switch between account on the settings tab, and then view the license details and history for that account, or manage the registered users for that account.

To configure a group of accounts for your company, please contact Prokon with your request to group accounts.

Internet connection settings

Proxy server

License Manager uses an proxy auto-detection procedure works fine in the vast majority of cases. However, if you experience difficulties connecting to the License Server, then you can adjust the proxy server settings:

Log verbosity

License Manager records its action in a rolling log file. You can adjust the log file to be more verbose, e.g. when instructed so by Prokon Support Staff to troubleshoot a connection issue.

Connection troubleshooter

The troubleshooter on the Settings / Internet Connection tab runs a battery of connection tests to verify connectivity and provide hints for solving connection problems. The list of tests includes connection attempts the following servers:

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